Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday, August30

I went to church with one of the other staff members, Lori, who drove a bunch of us with her family. It was not unlike a non-denominational church back in Charlotte, lots of singing from a projected screen with the words, and a very well spoken African man who had been raised as a Muslim. Joyce and Tim were there, and Joyce will come take me to the school this afternoon.

I think I'll do better once I feel I'm doing something constructive and that I have control over.
I'm still recovering from a stiff back, so can't sit and write much. I joined three other girls from the Palace for dinner last night, ventured into the dark in a taxi and was only moderately adventurous with food. So far lots of rice, chicken and fried plankon (bananas). The downstairs of the Palace is set up as independent of the upstairs; each has a kitchen with a small refrigerator a small stove and two sinks. Christy and Faith have been really helpful, getting me through most of my adjustment crisis and loaning me things like towels until I get my money converted.  They made up a menu for dinners next week, I'm just sort of watching and eating their work until I get a feel for things. Guess for the next week or two I'll buy lunch at the school (starting tomorrow). I hope to get a copy of my schedule this afternoon and in-process in the morning.

It's not much hotter here than it is back in Charlotte, just not as efficiently air conditioned. Most buildings are made of concrete, with lots of gaps at windows and doors. We have two security guards at the Palace, and a seven foot concrete wall with barbed wire along the top. The water for the house is delivered evry week if all goes well, and there is a filter for a tank of water in the kitchen, so we don't have to buy all bottled water. So far the electricity has been very stable, and my "sittability" has been my only limiting factor. Boy do I need to take walks again. The treadmill I was hoping to be here isn't, so tomorrow morning at 5 am I begin joining some other teachers who walk before getting ready  for school.

Well Joyce just called and is on her way over to pick me up, so that ends this blog posting. I'm going well, by God's grace, and still can't believe this really me in Africa. My prayers are to be the person God wants me to be and not burden others. He is faithful, and I'm still learning!

I appreciate your prayers, and hold you all in my prayers.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Beginning

Off to Ghana to start teaching art at an international Christian school in two weeks!

More later...