Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 16
A long weekend, but no one is going anywhere. We didn’t have school Friday because Monday and Tuesday of next week is parent conferences and we have to stay later. Thursday was the last day of the marking period, so there are lots of grades to compute.  I had survived the progress reports a month ago, but now it is another challenge is incorporating that into this months grades.  Grades 1 through 5 I just have to give Excellent, Satisfactory or Needs Improvement. Sixth and seventh graders meet three times a week, and I guess I'm supposed to make comments. How's "He strives to produce the lowest possible output and still pass" sound or "a below average potential not quite meeting minimal expectations". Guess I need to work more on the positive verbage.

Actually it has been exceptionally quite and I'm only a little bored. I'm not adventurous enough on my own, but I have conquered walking from the local police station to my house (in two different directions) which may mean I could take a taxi home. Get more than eight miles away and taxi drivers don't know how to get to my home; they do know how to get to the East Legon Police Station, so that was my objective. So I set out with my camera this morning walking and hoping to get a photo of the big colorful lizards that always scoot away before I can get my camera out and take a picture. They are only about eight inches long, but they may have four different colors; as long as they continue to eat mosquitos, all lizards are my friends (even one inside the house). I'd love to take lots of pictures of the people, but some are very superstitious and feel you are capturing their souls in pictures. 

Yesterday I went with two other young teachers to a place that makes pocketbooks, wallets and backpacks from recycled plastic candy & ice cream wrappers. The company name is "Trashy Bags" and employs several dozen people. They have a great PR program, gave us a tour of the workroom and showed us a DVD sort of like "Sharks" with different workers competing in teams making new potential products. The old wrapper is always visible, even in the clothes they design. The bags get cut, washed and sanitized, then sewn together as a cloth. One of my friends even tried on a rain jacket that was being made, and she's ordering one in her size. I'll attach some photos I took. You just never know what you might see in Ghana.
Go with God, whereever he takes you.


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