Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday, Oct 27

Although nothing significant happened so far this week, I have some photos to show when the neighborhood children came yesterday after school. There were about 40 children (the photos are below, before this verbal post) and Christy took one with me in it talking with a few of the kids who stayed to look at books send by Christy's church back in the states. I've wanted to get photos of how the women carry infants around wrapped on their backs, look at them too. Since some people are very opposed to having their photos taken, I haven't been able to capture how the large square of cloth is wrapped around their torso. Sorry I forgot to rotate the photos before I imported them.

I informed the Crosby's yesterday when I went home for Christmas I would not be coming back. I think they figured that out, and that is actually all my contract covered. Tim asked if I'd like to work at another NICS school anywhere else, but I think that my problems here (mostly missing people my own age) would be what most schools would be like: mostly young single women not wanting any "motherly advise". The Crosby's and another couple, the Korum's, go out of their way to help the teachers with problems at the places they live. Most other schools don't have anything to do with the individual's housing; finding a place to live is entirely up to the teacher, as would be dealing with landlords. I'm very grateful that wasn't part of my adjustments.

I attempted to paint with one of my largest classes (17 fourth grade students), and it was a disaster! With limited water (one bucket) and a group that wasn't listening well from the beginning, they had hardly begun when it was time to go. Luckily I had a study hall immediately after, so there was time for me to clean it all up myself and still get ready for the class after study hall. The pigment in the paints is so mediocre, even the watercolors are not vibrant yellow or orange, and purple is s muddly lavender. That will be my reason for not painting much in the next two months.

Well, my eyelids are drooping, and I'm going to bed. I hope you all had a day as good as mine, and everyone is in good health.
Resting in God's hands,

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